Why this list?
Last year my Interview was held on March 6 - just 3 days after my sisters wedding. Month of Feb was busy with IIMs interviews, plus my startup had planned a few crucial product launches that month. Overall, I couldn't prepare much for my interview. Despite that I was fortunate enough to score 40/50 marks and the credit goes to my friend who gave me a list of questions which she had prepared for her interview. Most of my questions were from the list itself. This initiative is just a
I hope 2021 aspirants would find the list useful and they get most of the questions from the list.
I'll be posting question and relevant sources to go through.
I have divided the list into 3 parts
CA based
HR/Profile Based
Static Portion
The aim is not to populate the list with random topics, but to give only the topics with high probability of being asked in the interview.
Current Affairs Based Questions
Master Card Issue - This seems to be the most popular questions this year. You can refer following source -
e-RUPI: New introduced initiative of NPCIL. Read more here -
Retrospective Legislation: In news after recent amendment on retrospective legislation. Please also read about Vodafone Issue and Cairns Issue.
CBDC: Know the difference between Crypto and CBDC
Financial Crisis related Issues - Great Financial Crisis of 2008, COVID Crisis
Operation Twist
HR Questions
Gap Year - No matter what RBI says, they prefer candidates with work-ex or diverse profile
UPSC or not: My suggestion is not to disclose about your UPSC preparation.
Why RBI should hire you? expect this question or variants, if you are en engineer.
Static Questions
Need for different types of banks - Payment banks, SFB etc
Department and Functions of RBI. Your favourite department/function
Basel III Norms and related terms
NPCIL initiatives including e-RUPI
Important Ratios
Leverage Ratio
This list is a work in progress. Please visit the page to check the updates or subscribe to the blog to get notified through email.